Singing Guide: Blue Skies

Singing Guide: Blue Skies

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

When it comes to the genre of jazz, few singers are as well-known as the legendary Blue Skies. Her unique style and powerful voice have shaped jazz music, and it's no wonder that so many aspire to learn how to sing like her. In this article, we'll explore some tips and Singing Carrots resources to help you learn how to sing like Blue Skies.

One of the most distinctive features of Blue Skies' singing is her use of scatting. Scatting involves using the voice to create non-lexical syllables and sounds, essentially turning the voice into an improvisational instrument. To begin learning this technique, start with the vocal range test and pitch accuracy test on Singing Carrots. Understanding your vocal range and pitch accuracy is essential in creating your unique vocal improvisations.

Once you have a good grasp of your voice, start experimenting with vocal warm-ups and breathing exercises. Breathing controls voice, and a strong grasp on your breath can help you project like Blue Skies. Farinelli Breathing, Humming, Breath/Warm-up/Practice, and Breath Support can help you improve your breathing and vocal sound.

Next, move onto the voice registers and mixed voice. Chest Voice/Voice Registers and Voice Break/Mixed Voice can help you achieve greater control over the tonality and texture of your voice. This technique is critical as it helps you navigate between the different regions of the voice, allowing you to improvise with greater control.

Understanding resonance and vocal health are also crucial in learning to sing like Blue Skies. The Resonance in Singing article explains how the voice resonates within the body cavity, affecting its sound. Also, vocal health is critical to prevent damage to the voice and maintain healthy habits. Therefore, read the Vocal Health article.

Once you have a good grasp of the above techniques, start practicing with songs. Start with simpler songs and sing along with Blue Skies' recordings. Practice, analyze, and then, come back to it. Instructors in the Singing Course can help you understand finer nuances, the genre, and the unique voice of Blue Skies.

Incorporating the above resources, exercises, and practical advice can help you learn to sing like Blue Skies. Explore and experiment with these resources and techniques to develop your unique vocal style. But first, remember to listen to Blue Skies' unique vocal delivery, which is the foundation of it all.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.